Our Team

We will work diligently to help get you what you need.  

Library Director

Mary Geragotelis

Library Assistant

Jennifer Ladd

Library Assistant

Kimberly  LaMarre

Library Board of Directors

The Library Board of Directors meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the library, unless otherwise noted.  The public is always welcome.  

Joanna Todd

Angela Maschka

Elizabeth Delaney

Brenda Gagnon

Bobbie Maschka

Charlotte McLevy

Leahbeth Scandura

Linda Segar

Amy Russell

Library Board News

The next Library Board meeting is Tuesday, March 11th at 7 p.m. at the library.


Our latest and best photos

We love to share pictures that showcase our beautiful building and all the interesting happenings of our small town library.

The Scotland Public Library celebrated its 125th Anniversary on June 4, 2022.  Below are some pictures of the event.   Library Board Members and 1st Selectman Gary Greenberg were on hand to welcome the guests and share the town and library's history and to recognize Andy & Anna Mae D'Elia for their generation donation that made this building possible.  Special guest author, Barbara McClintock, shared her experience of writing and illustrating children's books and even invited our young guests up to show off their artistic talent.  The event included the dedication of the children's room to long time Library Board Member, Celeste Jakubowski.  And concluded with refreshments and an opportunity to commemorate the day with a donation to our 125 Books for the 125th Anniversary collection.